OIL PRODUCTION PLANTSOne solution is to install plastic reversion plants. These plants prepare plastic feedstock and use our patented vessels to revert the plastic back to petroleum products in mass. Our plants are located near plastic supplies and oil buyers to reduce costs. We have one in place in East Texas, and are currently developing a plant for the South Texas Area.LANDFILL SOLUTIONSEach Landfill situation is different. In project development, we currently have a medium sized Landfill in Africa and A large Landfill in South America. Each Landfill has a different mix of waste requiring different technology.TRADITIONAL WASTE TO ENERGY (WTE)Traditional Waste to Energy is really combustion of trash, using the flame heat to turn water into steam that turns electricity generating turbines. Then, capturing the smoke and emissions requires adding on expensive scrubbers to clean the air. What they clean out sometimes becomes toxic ash. The latest one being built is in China, and costs hundreds of millions of dollars. Though it is the oldest well-established WTE technology available, it is still controversial.DEVELOPING COUNTRY SOLUTIONSIn highly developed Countries Engineers automate technology to reduce expensive labor costs. In developing countries, this is not always the best way to design a solution. In some places employing many more people with still highly productive but less automated technology is a better fit for the local situation.SMALL TO LARGE PROJECTSWaste to Energy projects need to be scaled to solution.LET UP HELP YOU EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONSContact Us